alcohol and drugs
Alcohol and Drug Use

Some people who drink alcohol, use marijuana or other drugs, or misuse prescription or over-the-counter medicines may develop substance use disorder. This means that a person uses these substances even though it causes harm to themself or others. A person who has substance use disorder will have two or more of these symptoms: Using more […]

drugs and alcohol
Substance abuse signs & symptoms

Substance use disorders occur when an individual continues using the substance, whether it’s alcohol, cocaine, prescription pain pills or other drugs, despite significant substance-related problems. A person who has a moderate or severe substance use disorder may put substance use before family, relationships and career. He or she will continue to drink or use drugs, […]

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems

Introduction Alcohol and drug abuse is an equal opportunity affliction. As a universal phenomenon, the abuse of mood-altering substances manifests multiple and related problems across cultures, ages, gender, races, and religions. Although the thread of addiction is traceable throughout the history of humankind, progress toward identification of a root cause continues to elude the scientific […]