live in the moment
How to Live in the Moment

Ways to Be More Present in Your Everyday LifeTop of Form Bottom of Form  Mindful Meditation to Help You Begin Again Many people want to learn more about how to live in the moment. Most of us have a tendency to live in the past or the future. How often do you find yourself thinking about what […]

alcohol and drugs
Alcohol and Drug Use

Some people who drink alcohol, use marijuana or other drugs, or misuse prescription or over-the-counter medicines may develop substance use disorder. This means that a person uses these substances even though it causes harm to themself or others. A person who has substance use disorder will have two or more of these symptoms: Using more […]

What is Self-Confidence?

Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism. On the other hand, […]

drugs and alcohol
Substance abuse signs & symptoms

Substance use disorders occur when an individual continues using the substance, whether it’s alcohol, cocaine, prescription pain pills or other drugs, despite significant substance-related problems. A person who has a moderate or severe substance use disorder may put substance use before family, relationships and career. He or she will continue to drink or use drugs, […]

7 Drug Categories

Physicians have long recognized that different types of drugs affect people differently. Nonetheless, drugs may be categorized or classified according to certain shared symptomatologies or effects. The DRE categorization process is premised on these long-standing, medically accepted facts. DREs classify drugs in one of seven categories: central nervous system (CNS) depressants, CNS stimulants, hallucinogens, dissociative […]

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems

Introduction Alcohol and drug abuse is an equal opportunity affliction. As a universal phenomenon, the abuse of mood-altering substances manifests multiple and related problems across cultures, ages, gender, races, and religions. Although the thread of addiction is traceable throughout the history of humankind, progress toward identification of a root cause continues to elude the scientific […]